Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Finish LIne

So I have just calculated that I will be at my goal by October 28th 2011.
This is exciting and it seems like a relatively short time away.

I as a person will not be finished of course and will be opening many other doors to continue the process of lightening up. I am however determined that I am up to this first challenge. I have begun to learn that it is ok to be hungry, just a little, this is not an emergency it is an edge and a great time to check in on how I am feeling. What a triumph.

Who am I ...where do I want to be do I get out of status quo. I am not there yet almost not ready to open those long forgotten parts of myself but I will wake soon ....

So nice to be physically lighter... so nice... thank you God thank you me...thank you ..thank you ...thank you.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


I don’t have a lot of time to post these days. I am busy losing weight. I actually am and I am feeling very sassy about it. The diet change ..the menu planning was the missing link.. I am increasing my exercise because I am getting much stronger. I have faith that I will reach a modified version of my goal of 24 pounds by August 15th.

The sun is making it seem as though all of my wildest dreams and secret longings are possible. I am ready to bust open a few new moves, dance around like Snoopy and even get in to a little trouble.
My garden is growing a bit tentatively and my backyard wants more attention. My room is not cleaned out, hidden stashes of papers and books long forgotten, whisper little nothings at my deaf ears.

I am too busy basking in this moment of triumph, this very start of imagining the finish line even though I am only 8 miles in to a marathon of life changing..
I will meet with a voice teacher tomorrow. This makes me hopeful and I think that acting might happen this year but I still feel reluctant to dive in. Nick also will happen this year and if he is anything like he is this summer… my focus may be on him… so I am open to flexing those artist muscles and making room for my hearts song and waiting expectantly for the next Miracle of Light.